woensdag 19 december 2018
More Un-Tolkien Elves
Coming back to my earlier post about Elves from Outer Space, Arnold over at Goblin Punch has some interesting ideas about Elven culture.
dinsdag 18 december 2018
The Sunset Realm: my current 5E game
My current campaign takes place in a setting called the Sunset Realm. That name is meant to evoke feelings of dreaminess, nostalgia, fading empires and cultural decadence. It is also meant as a reminder that the land is covered in perpetual red sunshine, in a nod to the old Hollow World campaign setting.
I developed the campaign world as a kitchen sink of various fantasy worlds. For example: the wizard Tenser is active, as well as the evil demigod Iuz, from the World of Greyhawk setting. But the heroes have also faced the Lord of Blades, from Eberron, in combat. Twice. Furthermore, much of the world is a desert wasteland, due to the reckless use of arcane magic as in the Dark Sun setting. (For more information about the Sunset Realm, consult the campaign wiki.)
Since the start of the campaign in may 2010, the group has played mostly on a biweekly schedule save for the latter half of 2012 and the whole of 2014. At first, the campaign used 4th Edition rules. In 2016, we started a new campaign using 5th Edition rules. The campaign that ran from 2010-2016 featured a quest to free elemental spirits, confront the chaotic Tarrasque and save the world from the influence of the Dark God Tharizdun and the Far Realm. In the process:
- An invasion of koblods was stopped;
- The remaining population of a dwarven town was saved from genocide by hobgoblins;
- The Temple of Elemental Evil was sacked once again;
- A Copper Dragon preying on the heroes' hometown was killed;
- The crown prince of the kingdom was rescued;
- The capital was saved from a siege by unrelenting warforged and their leader, the Lord of Blades;
- An alliance of freedom-loving towns was forged against the industrial tyranny of a fallen emperor;
- A Forbidden Valley full of ancient myths and secrets was explored;
- The dark elf city of Erelhei-Cinlu was destroyed;
- The planes were explored and demons were fought;
- The gods were revealed to be survivors from an Antediluvian age.
The Fifth Edition-campaign takes place five years after the end of the 4E-era. The ruined kingdoms have come back from the brink of extinction, the gods have reasserted their guidance over mortals and nature thrives once again with new magical energies. In the current campaign, the players explore the world and its new mysteries, seek to uncover the Tarrasque's secret and are researching the agenda of the Dragon Hunter's Guild (called the Tartaros Draekonys). The players recently entered mid-level range (most are now level 7) and are only just beginning to glimpse the mysteries behind the many events that occur in the world. It remains to be seen whether they can unravel all the plots in time.
I developed the campaign world as a kitchen sink of various fantasy worlds. For example: the wizard Tenser is active, as well as the evil demigod Iuz, from the World of Greyhawk setting. But the heroes have also faced the Lord of Blades, from Eberron, in combat. Twice. Furthermore, much of the world is a desert wasteland, due to the reckless use of arcane magic as in the Dark Sun setting. (For more information about the Sunset Realm, consult the campaign wiki.)
Since the start of the campaign in may 2010, the group has played mostly on a biweekly schedule save for the latter half of 2012 and the whole of 2014. At first, the campaign used 4th Edition rules. In 2016, we started a new campaign using 5th Edition rules. The campaign that ran from 2010-2016 featured a quest to free elemental spirits, confront the chaotic Tarrasque and save the world from the influence of the Dark God Tharizdun and the Far Realm. In the process:
- An invasion of koblods was stopped;
- The remaining population of a dwarven town was saved from genocide by hobgoblins;
- The Temple of Elemental Evil was sacked once again;
- A Copper Dragon preying on the heroes' hometown was killed;
- The crown prince of the kingdom was rescued;
- The capital was saved from a siege by unrelenting warforged and their leader, the Lord of Blades;
- An alliance of freedom-loving towns was forged against the industrial tyranny of a fallen emperor;
- A Forbidden Valley full of ancient myths and secrets was explored;
- The dark elf city of Erelhei-Cinlu was destroyed;
- The planes were explored and demons were fought;
- The gods were revealed to be survivors from an Antediluvian age.
The Fifth Edition-campaign takes place five years after the end of the 4E-era. The ruined kingdoms have come back from the brink of extinction, the gods have reasserted their guidance over mortals and nature thrives once again with new magical energies. In the current campaign, the players explore the world and its new mysteries, seek to uncover the Tarrasque's secret and are researching the agenda of the Dragon Hunter's Guild (called the Tartaros Draekonys). The players recently entered mid-level range (most are now level 7) and are only just beginning to glimpse the mysteries behind the many events that occur in the world. It remains to be seen whether they can unravel all the plots in time.
Magic of the Sunset Realm
The world
is steeped in a power known as the “Wyld”. It is a magic force that flows
through the land and collects in places of unspoiled wilderness. Those of high
learning or willpower can tap into this flow, shaping magic into spells. The
first creatures to have a grasp of this power were the Dragons.
Ancient glens,
misty valleys and stark mountains are places where magic flows strong, allowing
for the mightiest spells. Consequently, the building of roads, bridges and the
trappings of civilization diminish the flow of magic. Where population is high,
magic power is almost nonexistent and only the weakest cantrips can be cast.
Magic of the Land
The maximum level of spell slot your arcane caster can use is defined by the terrain hex he is in:
Badlands/Desert – 3
Hills/Plains – 5
Light Forest – 7
Mountains – 7
Heavy Forest – 8
High Mountains – 8
Marsh/Swamp – 8
This maximum is lowered by human habitation. For each “level” of civilization (approximately 5,000 people), the land’s power is diminished by 1.
Places of Power & Ley Lines
The most magical parts of the Sunset Realm are untouched by human civilization: undespoiled groves, mountaintops, deep swamps. In the heart of these regions, the Magic level is considered +1.
There are also rumours of a Dragon’s Graveyard where the mightiest spells can be cast naturally.
Ley Lines forged by powerful arcanists crisscross the land, funneling power of magical sources to where civilization is thick.
Residuum, Wyldstones and Relics
Sometimes, magic power collects into a single rock or earthen formation in the heart of an ancient place of power. These stones, concentrated ingots of residuum, can be mined and are powerful items. They are essential in the creation of magical objects and the ore from these formations is used in the forging of magic swords and armor.
A Wyldstone or 1,000 gp of residuum grants an arcane spellcaster +1 to the maximum level spell slot he can use in the current terrain. The residuum is consumed by the spell.
Holy Relics grant divine casters the same boon.
Temple Magic
The maximum level of spell slot a divine caster can use is defined by the level of temple holdings in the current terrain:
Unsettled – 0
Chapel/Grove – 1
Church/Menhir – 3
Temple/Stone Circle – 6
Cathedral – 8
Temple development is limited by the “level” of habitation, only the most heavily populated hexes can support cathedrals.
Magic is a powerful natural force, but it can also be subverted and warped. This kind of magic is known as Reaving and its users are considered vile and abhorrant.
Reavers tap the very lifeforce itself to power their spells, increasing their capacities above and beyond what the land or accumulated belief around them allows and risking everything in the process.
Every time a spellcaster uses a spell slot higher than the power of the land (for arcane casters) or belief (for divine casters) allows, roll 1d20 + the level of the spell slot.
1-11 no effect
12-15: caster is poisoned by residuum until cured and gains a short term madness
15-17: caster gains a level of Exhaustion which can only be magically cured and gains a moderate madness
18-20: caster gains a mutation and an indefinite madness
21+: area around caster turns into residuum for miles, caster becomes petrified into residuum
Reaver Mutations:
1 – Small horns on forehead
2 – Eyes turn an unnatural color (red, black)
3 – Legs turn into animal legs
4 – Tail (unusable) appears
5 – Skin turns unnatural color or translucent
6 – Mouth mutates into something unspeakable – unable to speak
zondag 16 december 2018
News from the Sunset Realm
And now for the news from the Sunset Realm:
Iron Price at Record High!
With the mines of Ironguard still closed off since the fall of that Mountain Dwarf capital eight years ago, the price of iron has soared to a record high. On the market, objects made of iron now fetch a price 1,000 times their original value. Tribes and warbands in the wastelands have lost access to metal entirely and now fight for their survival using low quality bronze and bone weapons.
Tarrasque Sighted in Silvanor Forest!
Terrible reports have reached the courts of the Four Free Domains of late. The dreaded reaver, the great harrower, the abomination, has returned to the Sunset Realm once more. The Tarrasque, that terrible monster and devourer of cities, once again scours the lands under the Red Sun. Rumors tell of the last remaining High Elf citadel in Silvanor Forest, Benerel Adon, having fallen to the Devourer. Contact with that eldritch city has been lost.
Coup prevented in Niveneh!
In the rump lands of Hadak Ura’s short-lived empire, the lands now known as the Sjikah Republic, civil unrest came to a climax in Lucifer 466. An attempt on Arkhon Akhemen’s life was prevented by the swift intervention of his vizier Kerches Darios. The rebels were swiftly dealt with on the steps of Niveneh’s Grand Ziggurat.
Warforged Search Parties roam the Zaar
The Warforged general Omega Secundus, operating out of Antissa with permission from Antissa’s king, has sent out search parties into the desert to recover, what he calls, the “Omega Drive”. Omega Secundus states that the recovery of this artifact is of vital importance to the wellbeing of the Warforged and the security of the Free City of Aurora.
Cyra Akhemen arrives in Antissa
By request of High Ecclesiarch Terenas Vader of Antissa, Cyra Akhemen has been invited to attend King Kenneth’s court in that city. Cyra, Arkhon Akhemen’s younger sister, is said to be beautiful and wise beyond measure and rumour has it that Vader intends for the king to wed the young Akhemen in order to secure an alliance between Antissa and the Sjikah Republic.
The Watcher's Band crumbles
The streets of various city wards of Aurora have been rife with crime since its resettlement six years ago. Wandslingers and vigilantes of all stripes dispense their own brand of justice within that bustling city. A new crimelord, known only as “The Watcher”, was added to the roster of power groups only a few moons ago. In recent wakes however, his band has turned upon itself as the Watcher himself has vanished.
Tenser Manzorian Vanished!
Antissa’s Blue Archmage Tenser Manzorian, prominent member of the Arcane Guild, has inexplicably vanished. His contacts with the Guild have confirmed that Tenser had made contact with an entity known only as “the Silver Lady” and that he had ventured into the West on some form of quest. The nature of this quest and his disappearane remain a mystery.
Iron Price at Record High!
With the mines of Ironguard still closed off since the fall of that Mountain Dwarf capital eight years ago, the price of iron has soared to a record high. On the market, objects made of iron now fetch a price 1,000 times their original value. Tribes and warbands in the wastelands have lost access to metal entirely and now fight for their survival using low quality bronze and bone weapons.
Tarrasque Sighted in Silvanor Forest!
Terrible reports have reached the courts of the Four Free Domains of late. The dreaded reaver, the great harrower, the abomination, has returned to the Sunset Realm once more. The Tarrasque, that terrible monster and devourer of cities, once again scours the lands under the Red Sun. Rumors tell of the last remaining High Elf citadel in Silvanor Forest, Benerel Adon, having fallen to the Devourer. Contact with that eldritch city has been lost.
Coup prevented in Niveneh!
In the rump lands of Hadak Ura’s short-lived empire, the lands now known as the Sjikah Republic, civil unrest came to a climax in Lucifer 466. An attempt on Arkhon Akhemen’s life was prevented by the swift intervention of his vizier Kerches Darios. The rebels were swiftly dealt with on the steps of Niveneh’s Grand Ziggurat.
Warforged Search Parties roam the Zaar
The Warforged general Omega Secundus, operating out of Antissa with permission from Antissa’s king, has sent out search parties into the desert to recover, what he calls, the “Omega Drive”. Omega Secundus states that the recovery of this artifact is of vital importance to the wellbeing of the Warforged and the security of the Free City of Aurora.
Cyra Akhemen arrives in Antissa
By request of High Ecclesiarch Terenas Vader of Antissa, Cyra Akhemen has been invited to attend King Kenneth’s court in that city. Cyra, Arkhon Akhemen’s younger sister, is said to be beautiful and wise beyond measure and rumour has it that Vader intends for the king to wed the young Akhemen in order to secure an alliance between Antissa and the Sjikah Republic.
The Watcher's Band crumbles
The streets of various city wards of Aurora have been rife with crime since its resettlement six years ago. Wandslingers and vigilantes of all stripes dispense their own brand of justice within that bustling city. A new crimelord, known only as “The Watcher”, was added to the roster of power groups only a few moons ago. In recent wakes however, his band has turned upon itself as the Watcher himself has vanished.
Tenser Manzorian Vanished!
Antissa’s Blue Archmage Tenser Manzorian, prominent member of the Arcane Guild, has inexplicably vanished. His contacts with the Guild have confirmed that Tenser had made contact with an entity known only as “the Silver Lady” and that he had ventured into the West on some form of quest. The nature of this quest and his disappearane remain a mystery.
zaterdag 24 november 2018
The Falconhall
Continuing from yesterday's post about the Duchy of Wichard, I will sketch out the primary adventure location for the first few sessions of new parties and characters.
Inspired by my hometown, the Falconhall is built on top of ruins of an ancient Auroran fort that held the northern border of the Imperium against the barbarian Teutonic tribes and the eldritch might of the Elven Courts. Legend tells that an ancient general ascended to godhood here but was stricken down before his divine essence could manifest fully. Others say the place was cursed by the Elves. Whatever the case, there is no denying that the castle is haunted and ghosts and ghouls prowl its halls.
The current gothic castle was constructed in relatively recent centuries, atop chapels and forts built by the first Valar emperor over the Auroran ruins and expanded upon by Teutonic Grafs and Herzogen (counts and dukes). In the present century, the castle slowly fell into disuse and disrepair, until a fateful night a few years ago.
A lone dark figure entered the abandoned castle and that same night, the characteristic green nimbus that spreads from its tallest tower and can be seen all around sprang into life. Accompanied by ghostly whails, the castle took on a darker aspect. The castle then fell silent. The identity of its squatter was never determined, not even by the mightiest scrying prayers of the most devout priests of the Radiant Church. One of the contesting noble families of Wichard attempted to besiege the castle but gave up as soldiers encamped outside of its walls slowly went mad.
Only a month ago, the castle occupant lowered the drawbridge for the first time since the Night of Green Lights. Immediately, soldiers of the former besiegers entered the castle, followed by scouting parties of the Sentinels of the Radiant Church. Most were never seen again. Those that returned from their exploration of the castle's halls report green flames lighting its halls, scores of living dead wandering its corridors and a feeling of dread and horror wrenching their guts. Rumours speak of insane cultists and priests of forgotten ancient gods that have entered its walls to enact vile rituals.
Both the monotheistic Radiant Church as well as the Stadsraad (city council) of Numaga have put up rewards for the arrest of the cultists and dark priests. Both institutions would also pay hefty sums of gold to ascertain the identity and motives of the dark master of the Falconhall and to bring him to justice.
Inspired by my hometown, the Falconhall is built on top of ruins of an ancient Auroran fort that held the northern border of the Imperium against the barbarian Teutonic tribes and the eldritch might of the Elven Courts. Legend tells that an ancient general ascended to godhood here but was stricken down before his divine essence could manifest fully. Others say the place was cursed by the Elves. Whatever the case, there is no denying that the castle is haunted and ghosts and ghouls prowl its halls.
The current gothic castle was constructed in relatively recent centuries, atop chapels and forts built by the first Valar emperor over the Auroran ruins and expanded upon by Teutonic Grafs and Herzogen (counts and dukes). In the present century, the castle slowly fell into disuse and disrepair, until a fateful night a few years ago.
A lone dark figure entered the abandoned castle and that same night, the characteristic green nimbus that spreads from its tallest tower and can be seen all around sprang into life. Accompanied by ghostly whails, the castle took on a darker aspect. The castle then fell silent. The identity of its squatter was never determined, not even by the mightiest scrying prayers of the most devout priests of the Radiant Church. One of the contesting noble families of Wichard attempted to besiege the castle but gave up as soldiers encamped outside of its walls slowly went mad.
Only a month ago, the castle occupant lowered the drawbridge for the first time since the Night of Green Lights. Immediately, soldiers of the former besiegers entered the castle, followed by scouting parties of the Sentinels of the Radiant Church. Most were never seen again. Those that returned from their exploration of the castle's halls report green flames lighting its halls, scores of living dead wandering its corridors and a feeling of dread and horror wrenching their guts. Rumours speak of insane cultists and priests of forgotten ancient gods that have entered its walls to enact vile rituals.
Both the monotheistic Radiant Church as well as the Stadsraad (city council) of Numaga have put up rewards for the arrest of the cultists and dark priests. Both institutions would also pay hefty sums of gold to ascertain the identity and motives of the dark master of the Falconhall and to bring him to justice.
Duchy of Wichard
Taking a page out of the best practices of Jeff's Gamblog, In Places Deep and the ever-illustrious Hill Cantons, I have decided to refocus my campaign-building efforts on a small area sandbox, modeled after my home region in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands.
The Duchy - or Herzogentum in its native Teutonic - of Wichard is named after the knight who founded the domain, Wichard, some 600 or 700 years ago. He and his brother (whose name is sadly lost to history) defeated a Green Dragon that was terrorizing the region. With its dying breath, the Dragon declared Wichard and his heirs to be enemies of dragonkind untill the end of time. Howerver, Wichard's line still reigns in the Dukedom, albeit in a haphazard line of descent.
Wichard lies on the northeastern frontier of the Mittelreik, the middle empire of Man over which presided the Radiant Emperor. With Emperor Vaelor's disappearance however, the consituent regions have been enjoying their own freedoms more and more in recent years.
Just three years ago, the lands of the Mittelreik were swept up in a cataclysmic upheaval as the undead plague by the name of the Grim Death stalked the lands. Today, many towns and smaller cities lie abandoned and most cities still suffer from the Grim Death, its dead rising from their graves just a few hours after passing away. Wichard is no exception, and the presence of undead is further amplified by the ancient castle known as the Falconhall in its largest ciy Numaga.
Just as it is the westernmost expanse of the Mittelreik, Wichard in ancient times was the northernmost province of the Empire of Aurora and ruins dating back to the beginning of human civilization still dot the region. Most remain unexlored and may harbor gold or ancient artifacts of that eldritch empire. And while the southern half of the Duchy is fairly civilized, the northern frontier still remains untouched by man and harbors Elven communities.
The Duchy - or Herzogentum in its native Teutonic - of Wichard is named after the knight who founded the domain, Wichard, some 600 or 700 years ago. He and his brother (whose name is sadly lost to history) defeated a Green Dragon that was terrorizing the region. With its dying breath, the Dragon declared Wichard and his heirs to be enemies of dragonkind untill the end of time. Howerver, Wichard's line still reigns in the Dukedom, albeit in a haphazard line of descent.
Wichard lies on the northeastern frontier of the Mittelreik, the middle empire of Man over which presided the Radiant Emperor. With Emperor Vaelor's disappearance however, the consituent regions have been enjoying their own freedoms more and more in recent years.
Just three years ago, the lands of the Mittelreik were swept up in a cataclysmic upheaval as the undead plague by the name of the Grim Death stalked the lands. Today, many towns and smaller cities lie abandoned and most cities still suffer from the Grim Death, its dead rising from their graves just a few hours after passing away. Wichard is no exception, and the presence of undead is further amplified by the ancient castle known as the Falconhall in its largest ciy Numaga.
Just as it is the westernmost expanse of the Mittelreik, Wichard in ancient times was the northernmost province of the Empire of Aurora and ruins dating back to the beginning of human civilization still dot the region. Most remain unexlored and may harbor gold or ancient artifacts of that eldritch empire. And while the southern half of the Duchy is fairly civilized, the northern frontier still remains untouched by man and harbors Elven communities.
![]() |
The area in the center. But with more magic and elves and ghouls. |
zondag 4 november 2018
Key Conceits
Continuing from the previous post, wherein I describe my next campaign setting in 25 words, this post is intended to give the design of the setting more body.
One of the ways in which 4th Edition D&D renewed setting design was through the use of so-called "Key Conceits". In the 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide, and then continued in the setting guides of Forgotten Realms, Eberron and Dark Sun, the World of D&D was described in a few powerful statements. Here is the original list from the DMG:
In just one page, the writers manage to evoke a whole world. They also establish some ground rules about the setting. The relationships of gods with mortals, the prevalence of adventurers, the reason dungeons exist, etc.
Expanding on the 25 words, here are my Key Conceits:
One of the ways in which 4th Edition D&D renewed setting design was through the use of so-called "Key Conceits". In the 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide, and then continued in the setting guides of Forgotten Realms, Eberron and Dark Sun, the World of D&D was described in a few powerful statements. Here is the original list from the DMG:
In just one page, the writers manage to evoke a whole world. They also establish some ground rules about the setting. The relationships of gods with mortals, the prevalence of adventurers, the reason dungeons exist, etc.
Expanding on the 25 words, here are my Key Conceits:
- The World Was Created Mundane: In the current age, wizards, sages and scholars are starting to infer that this world was not created with great magic. Rather, the first ages of this realm were mundane and saw no great feats of magic. The remnants of the past speak of barbaric peoples and simple, martial traditions.
- Magic Flows From The Land: The Elves brought the knowledge of Magic to this realm. Espousing knowledge of the natural realm and arcane sigils, they raised Man from barbarism. By working their will, intelligence or wisdom on the natural world, spellcasters can coax the vital energy of life to staggering effects. This energy is most prevalent in ancient, undespoiled forests or high, unconquered mountains. Wherever civilization takes hold, this flow is diminished.
- Civilization Is Young And Fragile: The Elves that raised Man up to the foundation of Aurora, the Dawn City, are still alive in the present age. The world has only lived through one great empire and is about to live through another. Civilization is a force only tested twice, and it is still fragile. In the current Interregnum, the once-unified Radiant Empire is once again split into innumerable fiefdoms, each a prey for monsters, warbands or darker forces.
- Good And Evil Are Real: This world is no place of grey-and-grey moralities or relative viewpoints. Evil encompasses corruption, vileness, temptation and remorselesness. Good is constituted by redemption, exaltation, sacrifice and healing. Two fundamentally opposing cosmic forces vie for the souls of mortal beings, and the world is their battleground.
- Forces Out There Want To Claim What Is Here: This world is but a speck in the dark curtain of the night sky. There are thousands of other inhabited worlds around distant stars. The Elves hail from one such world, destroyed by their own folly. The divine Celestials hail from another. The savage Orcs have come from yet another realm to invade and despoil this one. All seek to control the flow of magic or souls of mortals from this world.
- Men And Women Of Power Are Commonplace: The Thousand Fiefdoms are ruled over by rough men and women, each capable of holding their own in a duel, whether it be magical or mundane. Adventurers are common in this age of endless strife and powerful explorers lay claim to a fief of their own.
- Small Bands Striving For Good Can Make A Difference: The dangers that confront the Thousand Fiefdoms are many and varied. Demigods from other worlds, insidious Elven plots, savage warbands and horrendous monsters. Yet small bands of dedicated defenders can overcome these challenges. By embracing hope and turning the hearts and minds of common citizens, the darkness can be averted and the light preserved.
maandag 22 oktober 2018
Describe your Campaign Setting in 25 Words or Less
As noisms and various others did years ago, I have described my new campaign setting in 25 words or less. It helps to focus during the design process and these are the elements I consider absolutely essential:
Alien Elf Invaders; Magic eddies in the land; Gods from Outer Space; warbands; vileness, corruption, exaltation, redemption; puzzle dungeons; Underworld - Overworld; souls; random hex generation.
25 words
Alien Elf Invaders; Magic eddies in the land; Gods from Outer Space; warbands; vileness, corruption, exaltation, redemption; puzzle dungeons; Underworld - Overworld; souls; random hex generation.
25 words
vrijdag 19 oktober 2018
I Seek to Create
... a new campaign setting.
It is the curse of the Dungeon Master, the ruin of referees. Sooner or later, gamer ADD comes for us all.
I have a very enjoyable and engaging 5E game going on in my homebrew setting, the Sunset Realm. At some point there will be posts about the Sunset Realm, I promise.
But I have always been jealous of world-builders like Keith Baker (Eberron), or the guys from Paizo (Golarion). The Known World from the BECMI-line of D&D was a huge kitchen sink of a fantasy setting. The expanded Forgotten Realms are as well. My own homebrew Sunset Realm with its two dominant human cultures and geography bounded by a circumferential ice wall seems bland by comparison.
In short, I seek to create a WORLD, not just a setting. A living canvas upon which my players can paint future campaigns in any edition they choose. A game based on the following things:
It is the curse of the Dungeon Master, the ruin of referees. Sooner or later, gamer ADD comes for us all.
I have a very enjoyable and engaging 5E game going on in my homebrew setting, the Sunset Realm. At some point there will be posts about the Sunset Realm, I promise.
But I have always been jealous of world-builders like Keith Baker (Eberron), or the guys from Paizo (Golarion). The Known World from the BECMI-line of D&D was a huge kitchen sink of a fantasy setting. The expanded Forgotten Realms are as well. My own homebrew Sunset Realm with its two dominant human cultures and geography bounded by a circumferential ice wall seems bland by comparison.
In short, I seek to create a WORLD, not just a setting. A living canvas upon which my players can paint future campaigns in any edition they choose. A game based on the following things:
- My Appendix N or at least a destillation of the tropes contained therein;
- Space Elves, the last remnant of their starfaring culture, addicted to magic with a hidden agenda;
- Greyhawk's Grease and Blood wedded to the weirdness and philosophy of Planescape and the uniqueness of worlds as Dark Sun;
- Public Domain villains: Orcus, Cthulhu, Asmodeus;
- Random tables to determine hex/location contents, as established by Yoon-Suin and Hubris;
- 3d6-in-order PCs. Sure you can play whatever you want but your Fighter will be stuck with that Str 9 if it is your first roll. This is roleplaying gold.
- A Tentpole Dungeon
- A grounded tone - a sort of Fantasy MCU.
This is a large wishlist and I must say I don't think I can pull it all off. But I'm gonna try.
woensdag 17 oktober 2018
Grease and Blood
...or "Why I love Greyhawk".
As Erik Mona, formerly of Dragon Magazine, now of Paizo, has put it once before: "Greyhawk is my favourite setting, because grease and blood are better than high fantasy and high magic". I happen to agree.
Greyhawk was the first TSR setting for Dungeons & Dragons. And while many falsely assume it is a high fantasy setting reminiscent of Middle Earth or even the Forgotten Realms (gasp!), nothing could be further from the truth.
When you look up Gygax's Appendix N in the back of the 1st Edition DMG, there is only a handful of high fantasy literature on there. The majority of the list is made up of pulp fantasy: Robert E. Howard's Conan, Clark Ashton Smith, H.P. Lovecraft, Moorcock. Fritz Leiber's Nehwon stories. All examples of sword & sorcery pulp adventure.
What is more, the early Greyhawk modules such as the Village of Hommlet, the Temple of Elemental Evil, the Giants/Drow series, the Slavers-series, all are examples of small-scale sword & sorcery fantasy - not the epics and high magics that define high fantasy!
Greyhawk's tone is dark. There is an evil demigod that rules an empire to the north. The main city of the setting is steeped in greed and corruption and ruled by a kleptocracy of thieves. The fading empire is mired in diabolism and decadence. The Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings of the setting are isolated enclaves beset by savage humanoids. And the good nations of the world are internally divided and occupied with their defense. This is not a setting of shining knights and epic magic, this is a setting where the might of small adventuring bands make small gains against the encroaching dark gods, slaving racists and decadent nobles.
When I was younger and just discovering D&D, I did not grasp this subtlety. Greyhawk City, Furyondy, the Empire of Iuz, the Great Kingdom - they were all backdrops for our World Tour Adventure, a sandbox of six 14-year olds cavorting through the setting and meeting as many named NPCs as possible.
But in the years since, I have come to admire the exquisite craftsmanship of this setting and the way in which it truly stands apart from Forgotten Realms' high fantasy and Dragonlance's epic fantasy. In a way, it is small fantasy. Not low fantasy, as powerful spells and magic items are still common. But Greyhawk is not about powerful NPC's sweeping in to save the day from marauding gods. Nor is it about an epic war agains evil dragons. Greyhawk is about the very human possibility to make a small change for the better in the world. And you can give me that any day.
As Erik Mona, formerly of Dragon Magazine, now of Paizo, has put it once before: "Greyhawk is my favourite setting, because grease and blood are better than high fantasy and high magic". I happen to agree.
Greyhawk was the first TSR setting for Dungeons & Dragons. And while many falsely assume it is a high fantasy setting reminiscent of Middle Earth or even the Forgotten Realms (gasp!), nothing could be further from the truth.
When you look up Gygax's Appendix N in the back of the 1st Edition DMG, there is only a handful of high fantasy literature on there. The majority of the list is made up of pulp fantasy: Robert E. Howard's Conan, Clark Ashton Smith, H.P. Lovecraft, Moorcock. Fritz Leiber's Nehwon stories. All examples of sword & sorcery pulp adventure.
What is more, the early Greyhawk modules such as the Village of Hommlet, the Temple of Elemental Evil, the Giants/Drow series, the Slavers-series, all are examples of small-scale sword & sorcery fantasy - not the epics and high magics that define high fantasy!
Greyhawk's tone is dark. There is an evil demigod that rules an empire to the north. The main city of the setting is steeped in greed and corruption and ruled by a kleptocracy of thieves. The fading empire is mired in diabolism and decadence. The Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings of the setting are isolated enclaves beset by savage humanoids. And the good nations of the world are internally divided and occupied with their defense. This is not a setting of shining knights and epic magic, this is a setting where the might of small adventuring bands make small gains against the encroaching dark gods, slaving racists and decadent nobles.
When I was younger and just discovering D&D, I did not grasp this subtlety. Greyhawk City, Furyondy, the Empire of Iuz, the Great Kingdom - they were all backdrops for our World Tour Adventure, a sandbox of six 14-year olds cavorting through the setting and meeting as many named NPCs as possible.
But in the years since, I have come to admire the exquisite craftsmanship of this setting and the way in which it truly stands apart from Forgotten Realms' high fantasy and Dragonlance's epic fantasy. In a way, it is small fantasy. Not low fantasy, as powerful spells and magic items are still common. But Greyhawk is not about powerful NPC's sweeping in to save the day from marauding gods. Nor is it about an epic war agains evil dragons. Greyhawk is about the very human possibility to make a small change for the better in the world. And you can give me that any day.
zondag 14 oktober 2018
They came from Outer Space
I have always disliked the common fantasy stereotype of Elves. You know them, the immortal, high-magic, wise and nature-loving Tolkien-guys. In literature, they come off as boring, all-powerful Dei Ex Machinae. Why bother with the struggles of Aragorn and Frodo if Legolas and Elrond and Galadriel can lift their pinky and accomplish more. Yes I know, Tolkien's Elves are a fading race and they can't use their magic because Sauron will devour their souls or whatever. But seriously, look at this guy:
Anyway, the originally Nordic Elves-as-spirits-of-light by way of Tolkien's immortal warrior-wizards were ported onto early D&D and since then fantasy has been stuck with them. But I don't buy them. As a roleplaying race, they are impossible to play. Many Elf characters I have met during my time behind the screen were simply older, more magical and pointy-eared humans. That goes for Greyhawk Elves or Faerun Elves or Dragonlance Elves. The DARK SUN campaign setting managed to reconceptualize Elves as shorter-lived, tall, lanky, impossibly fast thieves. But these were EINO - Elves In Name Only. They might as well have been called Flumkin; the racial name was the only recognizable aspect of Dark Sun's Elves.
That said, there are a few fantasy settings that have taken the Nordic/Tolkienish/Gygaxian concept of D&D Elves and taken them in new directions.
By far the oldest of the settings beside Greyhawk, the Warhammer World (may it rest in peace, in Games Workshop's new Age of Sigmar gameline this setting has been destroyed) was actually a twist on the old and tried fantasy concepts. Dwarves were miners and smiths but also mohawked rage-fighters. Orcs were savage warriors but also possessed by a magical energy that manifested itself through combat (WAAAGH!).
The Elves of the Warhammer World at first glance are similar to Tolkienish/Gygaxian stereotypes. But when you take a look beneath the surface, remarkable complexity is revealed. Yes they are a dwindling race of Chosen People. Yes they are Arrogant Bastards who know what is best for humanity. Yes they are the original practitioners of magic.
But they also are the setting's Atlantis expy, have a vaguely feudal Japan-vibe, and trapped in medieval stasis.
The grimdark space-fantasy equivalents, the Eldar of Warhammer 40K, are even more twisted. Their race is dying because an entire demonic Chaos God was born from the Eldar's collective sins. Since then, they seek to escape death and become immortal for fear of their souls being devoured by said Chaos God.
This underrated, unappreciated late-2nd Edition era D&D setting actually presents standard fantasy Elves as fairly creepy and scary. Elves were the original inhabitants of the main continent, Cerillia. Over centuries of human colonization, the Elves were driven to the edges of the continent and deep into its wildernesses. As a result, Elves hate humans. One of the main Big Bads of the setting, Rhuobe Manslayer, is an Elf who regularly organizes Wild Hunts to harry mankind.
Interestingly, in keeping with the stereotype, the Elves of Birthright were also the original practitioners of magic. In Birthright, arcane magic comes from the land and wild, undespoiled places. Human civilization weakens the flow of natural magic and as the land becomes more developed, magic diminishes. Not so in the domains of the Elves. Elven cities, like Feng Shui, are built in accordance with the flow of magic. As such, development of Elven realms never diminishes its magic rating. This is, in my opinion, a unique twist on the use of magic and why Elves are so good at it. By the way, there are no Elven Clerics in Birthright.
The Eberron setting, developed for D&D 3.5, reconceptualized Elves as the familiar immortal wizard-fighters but, again, put a new spin on familiar tropes. Eberron's creator, Keith Baker, puts the Elves' relationship with death center-stage. Elves are split into a number of cultures. The Elves of Aerenal seek to transcend death, bonding with positive energy to live and counsel into eternity. They are creatures of dedication, infinite time to learn, and tradition. The Elves of the Tairnadal seek to emulate the great deeds of their ancestors, seeking to channel their ancestors through their actions. Other Elves turned to darker arts and invented the discipline of necromancy.
What I find interesting that Baker takes established tropes - such as the high-magic skill and immortality - and twists them around. Yes, the Elves are long-lived but they can only become immortal by bonding with deathless energy or emulating their ancestors. Yes, the Elves are high-magic but they learned their magic while rebelling against the Giants of ages past.
Space Elves
Ultimately, I want my Elves to be - you know - Elves! Not just long-lived humans. Not just pointy-eared expies of the players. Elves should be mysterious, alien even.
So what if, in my campaign, Elves are, in fact, alien? What if they came to the campaign world from some place in the Great Dark Beyond, fleeing some abhorrent menace that they themselves created? What if the Elves that settled on this world are, in fact, using its natural sources of magic for their own ends? What if these Elves are the last remnant of a dying race, even further pushed to the fringes of civilization by human conquerors? What if the more traditional among them have radicalized in the face of their hardships and developed a means to transcend mortality? What if the new generation - the PC's generation, the generation that has been born on this world - seeks completely different goals than their fathers who fled to this world?
That would be an interesting take on Elves I think.
![]() |
Hit them with your best shot. |
That said, there are a few fantasy settings that have taken the Nordic/Tolkienish/Gygaxian concept of D&D Elves and taken them in new directions.
By far the oldest of the settings beside Greyhawk, the Warhammer World (may it rest in peace, in Games Workshop's new Age of Sigmar gameline this setting has been destroyed) was actually a twist on the old and tried fantasy concepts. Dwarves were miners and smiths but also mohawked rage-fighters. Orcs were savage warriors but also possessed by a magical energy that manifested itself through combat (WAAAGH!).
The Elves of the Warhammer World at first glance are similar to Tolkienish/Gygaxian stereotypes. But when you take a look beneath the surface, remarkable complexity is revealed. Yes they are a dwindling race of Chosen People. Yes they are Arrogant Bastards who know what is best for humanity. Yes they are the original practitioners of magic.
But they also are the setting's Atlantis expy, have a vaguely feudal Japan-vibe, and trapped in medieval stasis.
The grimdark space-fantasy equivalents, the Eldar of Warhammer 40K, are even more twisted. Their race is dying because an entire demonic Chaos God was born from the Eldar's collective sins. Since then, they seek to escape death and become immortal for fear of their souls being devoured by said Chaos God.
This underrated, unappreciated late-2nd Edition era D&D setting actually presents standard fantasy Elves as fairly creepy and scary. Elves were the original inhabitants of the main continent, Cerillia. Over centuries of human colonization, the Elves were driven to the edges of the continent and deep into its wildernesses. As a result, Elves hate humans. One of the main Big Bads of the setting, Rhuobe Manslayer, is an Elf who regularly organizes Wild Hunts to harry mankind.
Interestingly, in keeping with the stereotype, the Elves of Birthright were also the original practitioners of magic. In Birthright, arcane magic comes from the land and wild, undespoiled places. Human civilization weakens the flow of natural magic and as the land becomes more developed, magic diminishes. Not so in the domains of the Elves. Elven cities, like Feng Shui, are built in accordance with the flow of magic. As such, development of Elven realms never diminishes its magic rating. This is, in my opinion, a unique twist on the use of magic and why Elves are so good at it. By the way, there are no Elven Clerics in Birthright.
The Eberron setting, developed for D&D 3.5, reconceptualized Elves as the familiar immortal wizard-fighters but, again, put a new spin on familiar tropes. Eberron's creator, Keith Baker, puts the Elves' relationship with death center-stage. Elves are split into a number of cultures. The Elves of Aerenal seek to transcend death, bonding with positive energy to live and counsel into eternity. They are creatures of dedication, infinite time to learn, and tradition. The Elves of the Tairnadal seek to emulate the great deeds of their ancestors, seeking to channel their ancestors through their actions. Other Elves turned to darker arts and invented the discipline of necromancy.
What I find interesting that Baker takes established tropes - such as the high-magic skill and immortality - and twists them around. Yes, the Elves are long-lived but they can only become immortal by bonding with deathless energy or emulating their ancestors. Yes, the Elves are high-magic but they learned their magic while rebelling against the Giants of ages past.
Space Elves
Ultimately, I want my Elves to be - you know - Elves! Not just long-lived humans. Not just pointy-eared expies of the players. Elves should be mysterious, alien even.
So what if, in my campaign, Elves are, in fact, alien? What if they came to the campaign world from some place in the Great Dark Beyond, fleeing some abhorrent menace that they themselves created? What if the Elves that settled on this world are, in fact, using its natural sources of magic for their own ends? What if these Elves are the last remnant of a dying race, even further pushed to the fringes of civilization by human conquerors? What if the more traditional among them have radicalized in the face of their hardships and developed a means to transcend mortality? What if the new generation - the PC's generation, the generation that has been born on this world - seeks completely different goals than their fathers who fled to this world?
That would be an interesting take on Elves I think.
campaign setting,
Dark Sun,
woensdag 10 oktober 2018
Appendix N
In the back of the 1st Edition Dungeon Master's Guide, Appendix N gave aspiring referees a reading list of inspirational books for fantasy campaigns. On that list were book series such as Robert E. Howard's Conan stories, or H.P. Lovecraft's Mythos stories.
The term "Appendix N" has since then come to mean: a list of inspirational media for the author's settings, rules or stories.
On this blog, in the months and maybe years to come, I will detail and review the inspirational media that constitute my Appendix N. A non-limitative list:
The term "Appendix N" has since then come to mean: a list of inspirational media for the author's settings, rules or stories.
On this blog, in the months and maybe years to come, I will detail and review the inspirational media that constitute my Appendix N. A non-limitative list:
Campaign Settings
Dark Sun
Pathfinder Inner Sea
& Masterminds: Freedom City (3rd Edition)
Fool Wolf:
The Hounds of Ash and Other Stories
A Song of
Ice and Fire series
God Emperor
of Dune
Snow White
and the Huntsman
TV / Anime
Avatar: The
Last Airbender
Game of Thrones
The Last
Marvel's original Infinity trilogy (Infinity Gauntlet, War, Crusade)
Queen –
It’s a kind of magic
Video Games
The Legend
of Zelda (I)
Majora’s Mask
Twilight Princess
Heroes of
Might and Magic III
Fantasy VI
III / Warcraft III Frozen Throne
Illusion of
maandag 8 oktober 2018
The Compendium Hack
...or "How I Play 2nd Edition AD&D".
1. 3d6 assign ability scores
2. PHB 6 standard races + Tieflings (Planescape) + Half-Orcs (Greyhawk)
3. Classes: standard PHB + Barbarian (Warrior group) + Sorcerer (Wizard group, 3E tables) + Monk (Priest group, Scarlet Brotherhood) + Assassin (Rogue group, Scarlet Brotherhood).
4. Favored classes: Unlimited advancement in the following classes:
- Dwarf: Fighter
- Elf: Mage
- Gnome: Illusionist
- Halfling: Thief
- Half-Orc: Barbarian
- Half-Elf / Human: ALL
5. Humans are the only race that can dual-class and always gain +10% XP bonus
6. Cantrips and Orisons: 0-level spells for Priests and Wizards (3E tables)
7. Advantage / Disadvantage and Inspiration (5E) instead of penalties and bonuses
8. Simple Encumbrance (LotFP)
9. Wizards HD is changed to d6; Rogue HD is changed to d8.
10. Weapon proficiencies by Weapon Groups:
-Blades: All swords, daggers, knives
1. 3d6 assign ability scores
2. PHB 6 standard races + Tieflings (Planescape) + Half-Orcs (Greyhawk)
3. Classes: standard PHB + Barbarian (Warrior group) + Sorcerer (Wizard group, 3E tables) + Monk (Priest group, Scarlet Brotherhood) + Assassin (Rogue group, Scarlet Brotherhood).
4. Favored classes: Unlimited advancement in the following classes:
- Dwarf: Fighter
- Elf: Mage
- Gnome: Illusionist
- Halfling: Thief
- Half-Orc: Barbarian
- Half-Elf / Human: ALL
5. Humans are the only race that can dual-class and always gain +10% XP bonus
6. Cantrips and Orisons: 0-level spells for Priests and Wizards (3E tables)
7. Advantage / Disadvantage and Inspiration (5E) instead of penalties and bonuses
8. Simple Encumbrance (LotFP)
9. Wizards HD is changed to d6; Rogue HD is changed to d8.
10. Weapon proficiencies by Weapon Groups:
-Blades: All swords, daggers, knives
-Bows: longbows and shortbows
-Crossbows: all crossbows and
-Cleaving and Crushing: axes, maces, mauls,
-Flails: Chains, flails, whips
-Polearms: Glaives, halbers, spears, staffs
-Throwing Weapons: Darts,
shurikens, throwing axes
11. Extra group XP: 1XP per 1gp of treasure recovered
vrijdag 5 oktober 2018
On the Feel of (A)D&D
...or "Why I Miss Second Edition".
This is a pretty pretentious title for a post - Why I miss 2nd Edition AD&D. In OSR circles, AD&D 2E is pretty much the most reviled, despised and shunned set of D&D rules in the 40-year history of the game. Still, it is the edition that holds the most value for me not only because of nostalgic reasons but for gameplay reasons as well.
Memory lane
Let's get the obvious out of the way. I began playing roleplaying games in the spring of 1997. My brother lent me a mysterious boxed set with a griffonrider and a faux-stonework logo on the cover. This was my entrance to the City of Greyhawk and years of adventures exploring that metropolis and meeting its denizens.

Soon after, I received the Revised Player's Handbook (black border) and a set of polyhedral dice and every saturday my friends and I were exploring this fantastic continent of Oerik.
In the fall of the same year, a Friendly Local Game (and Comics) Shop opened in my hometown and with the money I saved from my allowance and my job delivering flyers I purchased a campaign setting of my own - the Planescape Campaign Setting.

In the years between that purchase and the release of 3E in august 2000, we played the heck out of Planescape and Greyhawk, frequently crossing over between them. Other favorites of that time when we could spend whole saturdays on gaming were Dark Sun, Spelljammer and Ravenloft. Our group never cared much for the Forgotten Realms, seeing it as a more vanilla incarnation of the more evocative Greyhawk setting.
Al these campaigns were created using AD&D 2nd Edition-rules and we played the shit out of them.
In short: 2nd Edition was the edition on which me and my friends cut our theeth roleplaying. It allowed us to imagine these grand and fantastic worlds, spiralling away into infinity.
The Last Real Edition of D&D
We embraced Third Edition when it launched in 2000. We were 14- or 15-year-olds and immediately grasped the more streamlined and focused design of the d20 system. For the lifetime of that edition, it was our go-to ruleset. I ran my first homebrew campaign in 3E and my most memorable characters were created using the 3E ruleset. And it felt great - the d20 resolution mechanic, the more powerful races and classes, the ability modifiers - everything was streamlined and computated and balanced and intuitive. It was only later, when 3E grew into the abomination that was 4E and then reconstituted itself in 5E that I realized - the editions of D&D published by Wizards of the Coast didn't feel like D&D anymore.
When you're fifteen years old, you immediately see the opportunities in min/maxing your character, finding the optimal distribution of ability scores, feats and skills, and all the other moving parts of 3E. We were overwhelmed with possibilities and options. And yes, ascending AC was awesome and easy. But as I look back, the game we played from 2000-onwards wasn't D&D.
Where were the ability score requirements, the different rates of advancement for various classes, the rules for strongholds and followers? But most of all, I missed the relevance of the six ability scores. Sure, with the derivated modifiers the abilities were more central to the game than before, but increasingly in 4th and 5th Edition, the game became about the modifiers. Why hold on to scores of 3-18, when the actual math revolves around the -4 to +5 modifier?
The old school Roll-mechanic for ability scores made perfect sense to me. A fighter with a 14 Strength? Your Strength check succeeds on a 14 or lower. A mage with a 17 Intelligence? Your Intelligence check fails on an 18+.
Third, Fourth and Fifth Editions are great roleplaying games with some amazing concepts, expansions, settings and adventures. They just aren't D&D to my taste.
Sheer Volume
Lastly, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition is my favourite edition by sheer volume. The 2E-era saw the release of a new Forgotten Realms, Spelljammer, the Ravenloft setting, a new Greyhawk, Dark Sun, Al'Qadim, the Historical Reference series, the Complete Player's Handbook series, the Dungeon Master supplements, an updated Dragonlance, Planescape and Birthright. It was the most prolific of editions and many themes and memes of newer editions harken back to AD&D 2E.
In Closing
I started roleplaying games with AD&D, 2nd Edition. I cut my teeth on Greyhawk, Dark Sun and Planescape. I still seek to roll under my Strength score to succeed at a Strength check and I see ability score requirements as blessings rather than penalties. I miss Second Edition AD&D.
This is a pretty pretentious title for a post - Why I miss 2nd Edition AD&D. In OSR circles, AD&D 2E is pretty much the most reviled, despised and shunned set of D&D rules in the 40-year history of the game. Still, it is the edition that holds the most value for me not only because of nostalgic reasons but for gameplay reasons as well.
Memory lane
Let's get the obvious out of the way. I began playing roleplaying games in the spring of 1997. My brother lent me a mysterious boxed set with a griffonrider and a faux-stonework logo on the cover. This was my entrance to the City of Greyhawk and years of adventures exploring that metropolis and meeting its denizens.

Soon after, I received the Revised Player's Handbook (black border) and a set of polyhedral dice and every saturday my friends and I were exploring this fantastic continent of Oerik.
In the fall of the same year, a Friendly Local Game (and Comics) Shop opened in my hometown and with the money I saved from my allowance and my job delivering flyers I purchased a campaign setting of my own - the Planescape Campaign Setting.

In the years between that purchase and the release of 3E in august 2000, we played the heck out of Planescape and Greyhawk, frequently crossing over between them. Other favorites of that time when we could spend whole saturdays on gaming were Dark Sun, Spelljammer and Ravenloft. Our group never cared much for the Forgotten Realms, seeing it as a more vanilla incarnation of the more evocative Greyhawk setting.
Al these campaigns were created using AD&D 2nd Edition-rules and we played the shit out of them.
In short: 2nd Edition was the edition on which me and my friends cut our theeth roleplaying. It allowed us to imagine these grand and fantastic worlds, spiralling away into infinity.
The Last Real Edition of D&D
We embraced Third Edition when it launched in 2000. We were 14- or 15-year-olds and immediately grasped the more streamlined and focused design of the d20 system. For the lifetime of that edition, it was our go-to ruleset. I ran my first homebrew campaign in 3E and my most memorable characters were created using the 3E ruleset. And it felt great - the d20 resolution mechanic, the more powerful races and classes, the ability modifiers - everything was streamlined and computated and balanced and intuitive. It was only later, when 3E grew into the abomination that was 4E and then reconstituted itself in 5E that I realized - the editions of D&D published by Wizards of the Coast didn't feel like D&D anymore.
When you're fifteen years old, you immediately see the opportunities in min/maxing your character, finding the optimal distribution of ability scores, feats and skills, and all the other moving parts of 3E. We were overwhelmed with possibilities and options. And yes, ascending AC was awesome and easy. But as I look back, the game we played from 2000-onwards wasn't D&D.
Where were the ability score requirements, the different rates of advancement for various classes, the rules for strongholds and followers? But most of all, I missed the relevance of the six ability scores. Sure, with the derivated modifiers the abilities were more central to the game than before, but increasingly in 4th and 5th Edition, the game became about the modifiers. Why hold on to scores of 3-18, when the actual math revolves around the -4 to +5 modifier?
The old school Roll-mechanic for ability scores made perfect sense to me. A fighter with a 14 Strength? Your Strength check succeeds on a 14 or lower. A mage with a 17 Intelligence? Your Intelligence check fails on an 18+.
Third, Fourth and Fifth Editions are great roleplaying games with some amazing concepts, expansions, settings and adventures. They just aren't D&D to my taste.
Sheer Volume
Lastly, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition is my favourite edition by sheer volume. The 2E-era saw the release of a new Forgotten Realms, Spelljammer, the Ravenloft setting, a new Greyhawk, Dark Sun, Al'Qadim, the Historical Reference series, the Complete Player's Handbook series, the Dungeon Master supplements, an updated Dragonlance, Planescape and Birthright. It was the most prolific of editions and many themes and memes of newer editions harken back to AD&D 2E.
In Closing
I started roleplaying games with AD&D, 2nd Edition. I cut my teeth on Greyhawk, Dark Sun and Planescape. I still seek to roll under my Strength score to succeed at a Strength check and I see ability score requirements as blessings rather than penalties. I miss Second Edition AD&D.
dinsdag 2 oktober 2018
Yet Another Traditional RPG Blog
...or "Why Am I Here?"
The answer to that question is far more difficult to give than you would expect.
Let me try to give part of an answer: For years I have lurked in the corners of the blogosphere/OSR-scene. I have played all editions of Dungeons & Dragons, ran campaigns in various homebrew worlds, Greyhawk, Planescape and Spelljammer. I have read dozens, nay hundreds, of articles about megadungeons and hexcrawls and wandering monsters and quantum ogres. I have absorbed, watched, and learned.
And now I want to give a small piece of all that accumulated wisdom back to you, the internet-gamers, the grognards, the OSR, the blogosphere.
This blog will be a repository of reviews, gameable content, essays and other random (roll 1d100) thoughts. Enjoy your stay, I'll be here a while.
The answer to that question is far more difficult to give than you would expect.
Let me try to give part of an answer: For years I have lurked in the corners of the blogosphere/OSR-scene. I have played all editions of Dungeons & Dragons, ran campaigns in various homebrew worlds, Greyhawk, Planescape and Spelljammer. I have read dozens, nay hundreds, of articles about megadungeons and hexcrawls and wandering monsters and quantum ogres. I have absorbed, watched, and learned.
And now I want to give a small piece of all that accumulated wisdom back to you, the internet-gamers, the grognards, the OSR, the blogosphere.
This blog will be a repository of reviews, gameable content, essays and other random (roll 1d100) thoughts. Enjoy your stay, I'll be here a while.
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