dinsdag 24 maart 2020

Welcome to the Weird

This clicked into my head yesterday, as a setting idea for my Western Oerik setting, and a radical departure of Sword 'n' Sorcery-style standard fantasy settings:

From the North, vicious Snow Goons and their ghoul hordes threaten existence. From the South, the Celestial, Phaeton the Morninglord stretches forth his luminous hands to increase his writ. The Westerrealm is caught in the middle of this historic clash of forces, while princes, kings and priests vie for ideological supremacy in an attempt to change the discourse. Power-mad wizards and zealous clerics frazzle the threads of the Astral lattice that drapes the Westerrealm in splendor, awakening petty godlings long thought gone and stirring the elder Space Elves from their cocooning slumber.

Welcome to the Westerrealm, welcome to the Weird.

(Liberally inspired by Chris Kutalik's Hill Cantons and Trey Causey's Land of Azurth.)

Snow Goons

Phaeton the Morninglord, Rogue Space Angel

Frazzled Astral Lattice

Cocooning Space Elf

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