vrijdag 17 mei 2019

Necro Elves

Reskinned Drow. Because who needs another Drizzt?

All sages and Wizards and all high-up Priests in the Ecclesiarchy know that the Elves came from the stars. In sleek silver ships they fled the destruction of their Homeworld, which was destroyed by the dark cosmic entity called the Voidstar.

A closely guarded secret by the Elves is that the Voidstar - which in their language is called Tharizdun - was actually created by the Elven forebears themselves. Their misuse of arcane magic backfired and mutated the sun of their homeworld into an eldritch abomination, sucking up billions of Elven souls.

As the Elves created their magical empire in what are now the Western Kingdoms, their leaders swore off the old ways of their Homeworld that gave rise to Tharizdun and agreed to work in harmony with the magical energies of Arcana. A few of them, appalled at the casting aside of millennia of Eldar tradition, grew resentful and searched for ways to bring back the souls of the brilliant artists, mages, architects and leaders of their Homeworld.

Turning to magic forbidden by the Eldar leaders, these Elves found ways of reincarnating the souls devoured by Tharizdun in new bodies, birthed on Arcana. However, the bodies in which these souls reincarnated were markedly different from their parents or their past lives. They became jet black, a permanent reminder of the time spent by their soul in oblivion.

At first, these dark children were frowned upon but allowed to grow up in Eldar lands. As their numbers increased however, tensions brewed until it blossomed into a full civil war between the High Elves and the Dark Elves.

The day was won by the High Elves.  Enclaves of Dark Elves survive, developing a culture of their own. A culture devoted to death, art, architecture and poetry.

Unknown to almost everyone, the Dark Elven birthing process - drawing souls away from the Voidstar - is drawing that very abomination closer to Arcana every day.

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