vrijdag 7 juni 2019

Races of ARCANA - part 2

Continuing from this earlier post, lore of the Player Character Races of ARCANA.

D&D, over its various editions, has always had a large cast of anthropomorphic animals: Gnolls, Sahuagin, Bugbears, Lizardfolk, Bullywug. In the past, with my interest firmly fixed on grimdark or sword & sorcery worldbuilding, I rarely found much use for these types of races, even as monstrous foes.

However, since Arcana is meant to be inspired by saturday morning cartoons and animalfolk inhabit the Western Kingdoms alongside Humans, Elves and Dwarves, the various anthropomorphic races in the Monster Manual and other sources can be reskinned as follows:

Aarakocra: These birdfolk can take the shape of various avian species, such as eagles or owls.
Bugbears: The bearfolk of Arcana are strong but can also be stealthy. They are as likely to take up axes and hammers in war, as they are innocent or adventurous.
Bullywugs: The frogfolk inhabit rivers, marshes and wetlands.
Giff: The hippofolk are a culture of distinguished and martial people, inhabiting southern regions.
Gnolls: These hyenafolk are often predatorial and carrion-eaters.
Kenku: The ravenfolk are a disctinct species of birdfolk, drawn to urban locations.
Kuo-Toa: The fishfolk of the seas are drawn to dark arts.
Lizardfolk: These savage reptilefolk live peaceful lives in swampy areas.
Loxodon: The elephantfolk of the distant South and East are rarely seen in the Western Kingdoms.
Minotaur: The bullfolk are strong and have a martial culture.
Neogi: These spiderfolk are feared throughout the Western Kingdoms as merchants of death and slavers.
Sahuagin: The sharkfolk of the seas and oceans, often at war with the fishfolk but possessed of an advanced culture.
Tabaxi: In most urban areas of the Western Kingdoms, these catfolk can be found.
Thri-Kreen: Relatively rare, these insectfolk mostly inhabit the deserts to the East.
Tortle: The turtlefolk lead mostly nomadic and lone lives.
Yuan-Ti: Heirs of an old empire, the snakefolk are oftentimes portrayed as evil.

Missing from this list are a few standard anthropomorphic animals:


Expect these races to appear in a future post.

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