dinsdag 23 januari 2024

Giants in the Earth - Lore24


Dwarven myths tell of the forging of their people, as the last and most perfect creations of their deity, the Maker. The first creatures made by the maker were the Titans, prototypes of raw elemental matter, creatures of rock, fire and ice. The second generation were the giants: gargantuan beings hewed out of the very rock of the Echor Mountains, set loose to tame the wilderness. According to the myth, the Maker was not pleased by his creations, his quest for perfection eventually resulting in the birth of dwarvenkind.

Yet the giants remain in the world of Aedes, and have diverged from their roots at the hands of the mythical Maker. They are a bridge between raw elements and static function, each kindred fulfilling a special role in the grand scheme which they inherited from their Maker. They are most numerous in the ranges of the Echors, still, yet scattered groups also have ranged far westward, or even invaded the Borgondian Marklands. 

A special kind of emnity persists between giantkin, dwarves and gnomes. The source of this emnity is unknown yet dwarven priests claim that giants are jealous of the Maker's love for dwarvenkind. No one is known to have heard the giantkin side of the argument.

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